If you’re like many parents, keeping your
kids’ custom closets organized feels like an uphill battle. If you could swear that your little one is part tornado, you might need some help with getting the children’s closets in your home in order.
Lucky for you, there are some tried and true ways of getting your child’s closet organized - and keeping it that way. These tips will help build a sustainable routine for your child to stick to over time.
Once it’s time to get your kids’ custom closets organized, you should:
- Keep their stature in mind.
- Optimize their hanging space.
- Make use of double hanging rods.
- Remember that cubbies are your friend.
- Keep a when-in-doubt bin.
Now that you know the key steps for keeping your child’s closet tidy, let’s go further in exploring how you can make these tips work for you.
Keep Their Stature in Mind
As Better Homes & Gardens says, it’s best to think small when you’re reorganizing children’s closets. You’ll want to be sure that every storage solution you add to the space will be accessible for your little one.
This means moving hanging rods lower if needed, making use of smaller bins and shelves, and not storing anything they use regularly on the top shelf. You can also take care of two problems at once by putting in a shoe rack at floor level to help them keep their shoes tidy. Using adjustable components will ensure that the closet will grow along with your child.

Optimize Their Hanging Space
Space-saving hangers can help you squeeze in a few more articles of clothing that simply wouldn’t be able to fit otherwise. That way, you can help avoid having clothes pile up on the floor when your little one feels they have nowhere else to put them.
You can also make getting ready easier for them by working out a categorization system and sticking to it over time. This will not only streamline mornings for everyone involved, but it’ll make it even simpler to keep things organized.
Make Use of Double Hanging Rods
Along with moving hanging rods lower to the ground to accommodate your little one’s stature, kids’ custom closets can also benefit quite a bit from double hanging rods. Maybe one rod is dedicated to school clothes while the other is for around-the-house outfits.
Whatever the system you decide on together, this will give you even more of a chance to categorize while also effectively doubling the amount of hanging room they’ll have for their clothes. Children’s closets always benefit from having options.

Remember That Cubbies Are Your Friend
There’s a reason kids gravitate toward cubbies in their closets - they’re accessible, at their level, and they can set them up just the way they want them. As with every other item on this list, it’s best to collaborate with your child to see what works best for them.
One cubby can be set aside for dolls and toys, another for games, and yet another for clothes that don’t make the cut anywhere else. Whatever the system you settle on together, meeting your child’s needs will make it much more likely for them to keep their closet tidy.
Keep a When-In-Doubt Bin
Once you’ve taken care of hanging space in your kids’ custom closets, put in bins, cubbies, and shelves to meet them at their level, and set up a system for them to keep the space clean, it’s time for you to add your when-in-doubt-bin.
This can sit on the floor of your child’s closet, and it will help for whenever he or she needs a catch-all solution that isn’t just tossing something on the floor. Then, when they do their regular cleaning, they can collect everything out of the bin, put it away, and get the bin ready for the next cleaning.
Keeping kids’ custom closets clean and tidy can often feel like an effort in futility, but it doesn’t have to be that way. By following these super simple steps and collaborating with your little one to find a setup that works for them, they should be able to keep their closet well-organized!